a BCMS family business
Selling your business is personal, and nobody understands this better than Kingsbrook.
Kingsbrook exclusively represents the owners and shareholders of private companies. For over 30 years we’ve sold well over 1,000 companies from all sectors.
The Rebbettes family founded the award winning M&A advisory firm BCMS in 1989.
Kingsbrook offers a host of free ebooks, videos, factsheets and webinars all designed to help you become more informed when selling your business.
Why not start with our FREE eBook on How Not to Value your Business.
Get our popular ebook and discover why traditional valuation is costing business owners millions of pounds
This compelling book considers powerful learnings from 14 business owners who chose to sell up.
Discover why people sell, the four golden rules, the step-by-step process of a sale, why valuations are so flawed and much more.
This widely-read ebook looks at the surprising and dramatically effective approach that Kingsbrook developed to sell a company.
Did you know that over 90% of companies that are brought to market never sell? What a shocking statistic.
Our 54 point legal checklist document will help you pull together all the information needed to sell a company.
The 8 points of deal failure that can be easily avoided with just a little bit of forethought.
Just as every business is different, so are our clients’ motivations to seek a sale.