Kingsbrook in 2021: capitalising on success

Published in Company Update by Emma Curtis on 1 March 2022

2021 has been a year of success and transition for Kingsbrook. Here we look back on our most successful year to date and what our future holds.

A stellar year

Despite the difficulties in both our work and personal lives, as COVID continued to disrupt our lives, Kings brock has had its busiest year yet. We saw an unprecedented number of orders and completions. Our busy callers spoke to over 4,000 potential acquires, and we received criteria from over 600 companies wanting to buy our clients.

Luke Rebbettes, a Director at Kingsbrook, said “This has been an outstanding year for both us and our clients. The M&A market is flourishing, and shows no signs of letting up.

“Not only have we had a record number or completions, but we have a number of companies at offer accepted.”

New developments at Kingsbrook

Our record number of completed deals is partially due to the implementation of new systems and processes. We have spent 2021 making sure our databases, processes and people are at their absolute best.

We have taken on new staff in 2021, including Researchers, Callers, new Project Managers, Deal Leaders and Document Writers and our team has never been stronger.

The M&A market in 2022

The M&A market as a whole seems to echo our activity. 2021 was one of the biggest M&A years ever, topping $5.8 trillion, according to Refinitiv, and 2022 is expected to remain strong, particularly in the private company space.

In the UK, reports that the majority of UK corporates will be using acquisitions as a way of adapting to  continued economic, social and political uncertainty.

What does 2022 have in store for Kingsbrook?

2022 is already busier than ever. Our first quarter has seen double the amount of activity this time last year. We have already completed a number of sales since the first of January, and the M&A market is going from strength to strength.

With over 600 active acquirers on our lists, we have opportunities in a range of sectors, including health, SaaS, manufacturing, food & beverage, and marketing services.

We are continuing to take on new staff to be able to provide our personal, expert service, and so far, have welcomed a new Caller and Researcher to help us reach out to a wide range of potential acquirers.

We believe that 2022 will offer business owners more chances to realise their ambitions.


If you are thinking of selling your business and would like to explore your options with Kingsbrook, please get in touch, either by email at [email protected] or call us at 01635 736741.

Published on 1 March 2022 by

Emma Curtis

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